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SOA Exam P/CAS Exam 1: Probability for Actuaries Part 1
Section 1: Probability for Actuaries: Part 1 - Introduction
Lecture 1: Probability for Actuaries: Part 1 - Introduction (3:43)
Lecture 2: Study Manual Download
Lecture 3: Online Resources
Section 2: Introductory Probability Concepts
Lecture 4: Set Theory (10:11)
Lecture 5: Sample Spaces (or Probability Spaces) and Venn Diagrams (20:56)
Lecture 6: Basic Probability Models (27:05)
Lecture 7: Counting Problems, Permutations and Combinations (37:51)
Lecture 8: Conditional Probability (22:45)
Lecture 9: Independent Events (16:12)
Lecture 10: Bayes' Rule and Total Law of Probability (32:47)
Section 3: Random Variables
Lecture 11: Introduction to Random Variables (2:22)
Lecture 12: Discrete Random Variables (34:07)
Lecture 13: Continuous Random Variables (12:45)
Lecture 14: Survival Functions and Hazard Rates (3:57)
Lecture 15: Expected Values and Other Statistics (50:38)
Lecture 16: Percentiles, Median and Mode (17:37)
Lecture 17: Mixed Distributions (26:09)
Lecture 18: Moment Generating Functions (23:18)
Lecture 19: Probability Generating Functions (9:03)
Section 4: Discrete Distributions
Lecture 20: Discrete Uniform Distribution (17:21)
Lecture 21: Bernoulli Distribution (3:00)
Lecture 22: Binomial Distribution (26:40)
Lecture 23: Geometric Distribution (19:38)
Lecture 24: Negative Binomial Distribution (16:59)
Lecture 25: Poisson Distribution (29:58)
Lecture 26: Hypergeometric Distribution (14:44)
Lecture 27: Advanced Topics (10:15)
Section 5: Continuous Distributions
Lecture 28: Uniform Distribution (13:57)
Lecture 29: Exponential Distribution (31:01)
Lecture 30: Gamma Distribution (19:53)
Lecture 31: Normal Distribution (49:01)
Lecture 24: Negative Binomial Distribution
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